Established in 1967 as a medical enterprise, our entrepreneurial journey began with the aim of bringing the very best of the world, to all Sri Lankans. Five decades later, today we are one of the islands most respected conglomerates and one of the leading corporate brands adding value to consumers and all stakeholders alike.
Key Milestones
Over the last 5 decades, we have become a US$ 150 million company with a strong, energetic workforce of more than 2,500 working with us presently.
- Lanka Medical. Entrepreneurial quest begins as Lanka Medicals at Gampola with small pharmacy.
- In 1977, Sunshine Holding opened its first ‘super centre’ type store in Kandy, first of its kind in the island; where pharmaceutical products, home appliances, food items and cosmetics could be purchased under one roof.
- 1992 to 1998 Joint Venture with Tata Tea (Tata Global Beverages), by setting up Estate Management Services. Acquired Watawala Plantations, a regional plantation company listed on the CSE and Entered into the Branded Tea business with Zesta.
- In 1996, we ventured into the Agri Business with Watawala Plantations containing tea, rubber, cinnamon and palm oil, which we have steered to become the number one plantation company in Sri Lanka.
- Acquisition of WATA
- Consumer Brands business
- Listed Conglomerate. Listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange under the name of Sunshine Holdings PLC. Currently having 149,554,103 shares with a market capitalisation of LKR 5,668,100,503.
- Healthguard. Established Healthguard Pharmacy, a top of the line, value-added Health, Wellness & Beauty outlets in Greater Colombo.
- Acquiring a 20% market share in the private healthcare segment, in 2005, we re-entered the pharmacy operations by launching Sri Lanka’s premier pharma, wellness and beauty retail chain Healthguard.
- Aureos Capital took up a 25% stake one of the first equity deals in Sri Lanka. Aureos Capital acquired 25% stake in Sunshine Holdings and later parted away after fulfilling the expected returns for a specific period.
- Sunshine Energy
- First mini hydro power plant. Commissioned the Group’s 1st Renewable Energy plant at Lower Waltrim mini-hydro plant.
- No. 1 Branded Tea Company in Sri Lanka. Consumer Goods 3 million kg’s of Branded Tea sold and became the #1 Branded Tea company in Sri Lanka Inked a partnership with Diabetes Association to promote awareness.
- JV - Duxton Asset Management for a commercial dairy farm. JV with Duxton Asset Management to invest USD 11 million to develop a 1,000 milking cow commercial Dairy Farm.
- 50th Anniversary. SBI acquired a strategic stake in Sunshine. Celebrating 50th anniversary and Japan’s SBI acquires a strategic stake of 11% of Sunshine Holdings PLC.
- Exit of TATA tea global. TATA excited from the plantation sector increasing the Sunshine stake in the Plantation business. Sunshine Holdings PLC and Pyramid Wilmar had become the 60:40 shareholders of the plantation sector.
- Divestment of tea plantation
- USD 2m investment in Energy
- Expanding the Consumer business segment with the acquisition of Daintee Ltd. Bought over the leading consumer brand Daintee, expanding the consumer sector of the Sunshine Holdings PLC.
- Our consumer business, Watawala Tea Ceylon Ltd has become the largest branded tea company in Sri Lanka with the highest market share in the tea category of 35%.
- Watawala Tea has been crowned as the ‘Most Popular Hot Beverage Brand of the Year’ at the SLIM Nielsen People’s Awards for four consecutive years, reaffirming the brand’s leadership and recognition among Sri Lankans.
- Watawala Plantations achieved the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification for the palm oil mill and concessions in Galle District, making WATA the first plantations company in South Asia and Sri Lanka to be certified with this coveted accreditation.
- Sunshine’s healthcare sector merged with Akbar Pharmaceuticals.
- Divestment of hydro power.
- USD 2m investment in Diary.